Topic of the year 2025

See the topics of this year's symposium.

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About the symposium

About the symposium

The European Packaging Symposium is a key event focusing on the future of the packaging industry in Europe. It brings together experts, manufacturers, government representatives and academics to discuss current trends, challenges and opportunities in packaging. The symposium provides a unique platform for exchanging views, showcasing innovations and finding solutions for the sustainability and efficiency of packaging in a rapidly changing world.

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The focus of this year's symposium

This year's symposium primarily focuses on the following topics.

Sustainability and recycling of packaging

Discussion of new approaches and technologies that support the reduction of the environmental footprint of packaging and improve its recyclability.

Innovations in packaging materials

Presentation of the latest breakthroughs in biodegradable materials, circular economy and other innovative solutions.

New legislation and its impact on the packaging industry

An overview of current and planned regulations affecting the packaging market and how the industry can prepare for them.

Packaging design and consumer behaviour

How packaging influences consumer decision-making and how design can support more sustainable consumption.

Mission of the Symposium

Our main mission is to create a space where packaging professionals come together to share knowledge, exchange experiences and discuss the latest trends. The Symposium serves as a catalyst for innovation and initiates new partnerships that can move the packaging industry towards greater efficiency, sustainability and competitiveness.

Aim of the symposium


Provide participants with valuable information, best practices and insight into modern technology through expert lectures and discussions.

Connect people

Offer opportunities for networking, sharing contacts and building long-term business and research links.


Bringing new impulses and solutions that respond to current challenges in the areas of sustainability, design or digitalisation of processes.


To support the professional growth of all participants and contribute to the further development of the packaging industry in the Czech Republic and abroad.


symposium year




years of experience in education in the packaging sector



Last year

The European Packaging Symposium 2024 was mainly focused on the upcoming PPWR legislation and sustainability. Check out the photo gallery from last year's event.


Partners whose support enables the symposium to run smoothly.

All partners can be found here.

When and where will the symposium take place?

June 6, 2025

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze,

Kamýcká 129, Praha – Suchdol, 165 00, Budova Knihovny, Sál LIB 182